A Brief Update

Some of my fanlistings have been removed from the fanlisting networks. Actually, I have not received emails from the network staff, their emails always have been classified as junk emails. Anyway, I have been fed up with handling these emails. I do not care if my fanlistings will be listed or not and all my websites will not be closed. My websites are not for fanlisting purpose only. I have spent much time in collecting information and images. I still will take care of the websites though updates may not be frequent.

New Code for Banner Exchange

I really want to design a new code of 200×40 before joining FansFansFans Banner Exchange. But I don’t have any ideas in these few days. After testing for sometimes, a new code has just created and I love it very much.


Sorry, my wordpress cannot display Japanese characters properly, so crop it instead. This means how are you in English.

If you have watched this movie, you must find this scene very impressive and touching.

So, at last, joined the banner exchange with this new code.


A new layout has been built, I really hope I can have more time to enhance my design and photoshop skills.

And I have refreshed some font and colour settings to the existing layouts.

You can change to different layout by clicking the icons at the menubar. And I have added 3 favicons to the layouts, you can look at them at your browser tab.

Banner Exchange, Code Sort and Favicon

After revamping two existing layouts, I have joined and added the banner exchange. If you encounter any natvigating problems, please let me know.

Also, for code updating these days, it is very time-consuming to update the exisitng code pages, so code sort script has been installed. I just have to upload the new codes and the code pages will be updated automatically.

One more thing, added a favicon